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50+ Social Media Post Ideas for Real Estate Agents

50+ Social Media Post Ideas for Real Estate Agents
50+ Social Media Post Ideas for Real Estate Agents

Real Estate Agents, are you tired of not knowing what to post on your social media accounts? Sick of racking your brain for ideas between client calls, listing appointments, and the reams of paperwork?

Well, you’re not alone, which is why I decided to write this post on social media ideas for Realtors.

Coming up with social media post ideas is the most common problem Realtors, Real Estate Agents, and pretty much every other small business has.

I feel your pain!

To make your life easier, I’ve put together 50 post ideas for you that you can use on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. With a little finesse, you may be able to use them on LinkedIn and Pinterest as well.

Not only are these ideas usable on social media, but many of these topics could also be repurposed as blog posts.

You’re welcome.

You’ll have to do a little work on some of these since I can’t read your mind and I don’t have your life experience. Some of them are “plug and play”, and still others you can just fill in the blanks.

And if you’re brave, you can go live on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn to share your thoughts, ideas, and tips. (Hint: this is the most powerful way to connect with your audience.)

While you’re working on your posts, remember that engagement is the key. Connecting with your audience on an emotional level will gain the best results on social media. So remember to be social while you’re there.

Not every content medium is born equal. Videos get the most engagement, with live videos topping the charts. But if you’re like me with a face built for radio, photos and images are still very effective.

Type of posts listed In order of engagement:

  1. Live videos
  2. Videos*
  3. Images
  4. Text (emojis can boost your text post engagement)
  5. Link Posts

Here’s the funny thing, people want to see you. Get to know you. Like you. Trust you. Do business with you.

If you haven’t heard this before, it’s called the “Know, Like, and Trust factor“. It’s particularly important in real estate since we agents are kind of seen to be like lawyers.

We know that’s not true, but we need to convey that to our prospects, clients, and the general masses.

Promotional Social Media Posts

Use these types of posts sparingly. Your average follower is probably not in the market to buy or sell a home at this moment, so keep your promotions to about 15 to 25% of all posts. You also have to opportunity to get creative here. Find a new approach to your promotional posts and you’ll score big time!

Real Estate Topics for Social Media

Below you will find 14 real estate related topics. Hopefully, these will inspire more ideas that you can use in the future.

  1. Share your best tip on preparing to move
  2. Share your best tip for first-time homebuyers
  3. Share your best tip for home sellers
  4. Ask your followers to share their best tip on moving
  5. Ask your followers to share their best tip on buying a home
  6. Ask your followers to share their best tip on selling a home
  7. Share an article you wrote about real estate on your blog [you do have a blog, don’t you?]
  8. Celebrate a milestone (such as over a decade as a real estate agent)
  9. Curate content about important real estate topics [For instance, a good time to refinance, mortgage rates are down, etc.]
  10. How to improve your credit score
  11. How to save for a downpayment
  12. Post a testimonial with a photo from the person giving the testimonial and tag them in the post
  13. Record and share a video of your latest client giving you a review
  14. Share a behind the scenes image of your office, staff, or other business-related photos.

Personal Topics for Social Sharing

Here are two weeks’ worth of personal post topics. You can reuse these ideas over and over again. Of course, you shouldn’t post the same thing each time, but you get the idea.

  1. Share something about yourself that no one knows.
  2. Talk about a mentor, teacher, friend, or family member that had a profound impact on your life.
  3. Ask a provocative question. (That is, one that provokes a response. Avoid polarizing questions regarding politics, religion, or sex.)
  4. Share a favorite quote
  5. Share a popular meme
  6. Talk about your favorite hobby
  7. Share a favorite photo of you (or you and your family) on vacation
  8. What kind of music you like – ask what kind of music they like.
  9. What is the first concert you ever went to?
  10. Share a fond memory.
  11. How you lost 50 pounds.
  12. How to cook a pheasant
  13. Celebrate a milestone (something like 50 years of marriage)
  14. Post about how your day is going using a GIF. Then ask your followers to post a GIF that reflects how their day is going.


Inform, Inspire, Entertain, Educate

To get you started you’ll find 14 ideas below for this category of topics. I’m sure you can come up with dozens more if you put your mind to it.

Fill in the Blanks Templates

Here are some examples of fill in the blank templates. These can be used for real estate related topics, personal topics, or sharing other people’s inspiring stories.

Example: If you’ve ever tried to change the front door lock, you know how frustrating it can be to find a replacement that fits. So here is my story of upgrading all the door hardware in my house and having fun doing it. Check it out at

Example: Here are the Top 10 Apps that every Realtor should use to crush it on Instagram. I’ve got the complete list for you right here:

Example: 10 Top Reasons You’re Not Succeeding on Instagram. Read the complete list here:

Example: Here’s the best advice I ever received from my dad: Check your fly before you leave the house.

General Topic Categories

Here are another 10 general categories to inspire you to create content that will engage your audience, because engagement is key!

  1. Introduce Yourself
  2. Behind The Scenes
  3. “How-To”
  4. Customer Spotlight
  5. Company History
  6. Tips and Hacks
  7. Giveaways
  8. User-Generated Content
  9. Lifestyle
  10. Training and Lessons

Instagram for Real Estate Agents

A couple of notes about Instagram. Generally speaking, images with people in them do better than images with text on them. This is not a hard and fast rule, and you should test it out for yourself.

So pick out the post topics where you can feature pics of you, your team, behind the scenes, happy clients, etc. Then add your text in the description/caption. Try short posts, longer posts, and always use relevant hashtags. Some people do well with microblog posts. You are limited to 2,200 characters (that’s around 250 words give or take), but you can still pack a punch with that restriction.

Social Media Post Objectives

It’s not good enough to just post for the sake of posting. I suggest you set some objectives or goals for your posts. If you are strategic about it, your results will be much better!

The 5 by 5 Method of Social Sharing (Tailwind)*

Get the Tailwind App for Instagram and Pinterest


There are plenty of approaches to social media strategies, and because not all Realtors are alike I thought it would be a good idea to share another method of coming up with content ideas. Tailwind suggests that you share 5 types of content posted 5 times a week. So on Monday, you would share something that falls into one of these topics: helpful, educational, teaching, or learning. Tuesday, the topics would be; idealized, tangible, attainable vision or goal, etc.

Valuable – helpful, educational, teaching, learning

Aspirational – idealized, tangible, attainable vision or goal

Lifecycle – building awareness, nurturing relationships, encouraging action

Unique – proprietary, branded, business-focused

Evergreen – timely, relevant, useful for years to come

If you didn’t notice, these 5 categories represent the acronym VALUE. Along with your post objectives, you always want to add value. Posting for the sake of posting is often a wasted effort.


If you’re anything like me, you get your best ideas when you’re in the shower or driving. Anywhere but sitting at the desk. Maybe try keeping a notebook with you, or use the notes app on your mobile device to keep track of ideas as they come. Likewise, you can also use the voice recorder to capture your thoughts.

I actually send myself emails from my iPhone when the idea strikes.

My best advice for you is to be consistent with your social media posts. Try batching your content, that is, spend an hour or so creating your posts, images, and ideas because you will have created a week or a month’s worth at one sitting.

Use a scheduling tool like Buffer, Tailwind, or MeetEdgar so you don’t have the pressure of manually posting every day (or whatever schedule you choose).

Engage! Engagement is the key to success on social platforms. Spend time liking and commenting on other people’s posts.


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